Minggu, 03 Januari 2016

Learning Basic Trading Foreign Exchange (Forex)

Sorry I presumptuous explained,
I use the economic calendar as much as 3 pieces, 
1. Economic Calendar DailyFX
2. Economic Calender investing
3. Economic Calender My fxbook

and the third priority of this Calendar is a daily FX,

excess fx daily because of the calender that gives information on the countries 
most powerfully move Market only.
However hour daily fx incomplete and should be in Reload after it came time
then I have to complement the effect of the calendar clock from calender investing and fxbook, 
Oh yes, I need to explain a little bit, if in the economic calender
There are 3 decision 
1. Actual value 
2. Forecast 
3. Previous

previous Is a past  updates or motion that has occurred as technical info .....Forecast is the assumption of a forum or predictions of the master, or info news ...Actual value is the current market price info ......

Noteworthy is how Large is the Amount Of Shifting

between the actual value of the current and the previous past

Because For low symbol could be hight effect

If the amount of shift between the actual and the previous value is very large

If the price minus Definitely down, if there is a positive value prices rose Definitely

I wait for the update before the order, 

and keep the time interval should be no effect incoming clock Order At Ongoing

if Time Effect very Near, Very Adjacent and contradictory Avoid OrderSo the Basic is wait for the update, open order and close order when approaching the next hour effect

If using formula I have to wait for the update alsothen adjust the formula and close order at the time of the next approaching hour effect,Use Anonymox For Mozilla FireFox , addon To open the website in the Block

Set the clock and GMT
this economic Calender Third In accordance with State or Territory 

Hmmm ...If it's been clever Trade Do not Forget This blog list

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